Honey Wine Ethiopians have made for milliniea

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Gift Box

Celebrate the holiday season with the flavors, vibes, and warmth of the Motherland. Motherland Sounds, Brundo Spices, Nü Africa World Market and The Heritage Winery have joined forces to create a one-of-a-kind holiday box

Saba Tej

is a honey wine or mead that indigenous to Ethiopia with roots going back to the reign of Queen of Sheba (Saba) 950 BC. It’s produced without sulfites from pure wild flower honey and exotic Ethiopian hops imported from the highlands of Ethiopia.

Axum Tej

is produced essentially from pure honey and hand-cultivated woody hops from Ethiopia. It’s naturally fermented wine that has subtle sweet aroma perfectly balanced with the bitter hop character of 13.5% alcohol content by volume. No sulfites added.

The Treasure Lies In The Beehive


The Production of Tej and Tej-based Wines

Tej and Tej-base Wines are produced through a combination of traditional and modern methods. In Ethiopia, these ancient beverages have been produced in many forms using the traditional methods.


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